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Are you stuck, coasting in neutral?

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Are you stuck, coasting in neutral?
PostPosted: February 4th, 2009, 8:48 am
User avatarJoined: May 13th, 2005, 4:16 pmPosts: 122Location: Guelph area, Ontario, Canada
Hello everyone:

Our lives can seem stuck, on hold, in a rut, or as if we're just coasting through our days, when our mind becomes disengaged from our own self-to-Self inner activity. Maybe we are simply not aware of what we are not aware of; or, this may occur as either a conscious or a hidden blindness because we've turned away from our self-to-Self learning out of the confusion and frustration of uninformed/misinformed beliefs driving us senselessly nowhere. Either way, such a dislocation of our self-from-our Self as our daily living's operational outcome of experiences, is the same.

Of course, neither reason (either our lack of knowledge or our consciously or unconsciously chosen blindness) means we are not engaged in all of the outwardly focused activities of our lives. But basically, if life becomes just a depressing, boring grind, or even if it seems an endless hectic race from one activity to another, it is because self’s conscious focus has become the only awareness we are actively engaged in. Self-to-self's inward, parallel activity has been pushed from our awareness - out of view, literally, out of sight out of mind!

This is how people can arrive at a here-and-now that is fulfilling in all of those out-facing surface ways but empty of their own intimate most meaningful experiences that give them the encompassing richness and joy of their own accomplishments. When we spend most of our time outwardly involved, pursuing the goals, desires, interests, needs, and necessities of externally faced selfhood, and with never a thought to our inward-life experiences, making them entirely invisible to us, we’ve neutralized our own motive-power; we've invalidated our own volition. If we are stuck in neutral, coasting along, (no matter to where), that is not the same action as purposefully driving under our own motive-power.

While “neutral” is a necessary resting space for making our gears work so we will successfully arrive where we want to go in life, we won’t actually travel too far from where we start without engaging the full range of life's gears knowledge-fully. Most of us know some of those people whose driving lessons left out the specific information about engaging each of life's gears.

To borrow a line from a friend, this is to be “caught in minutiae, destroyed by inertia…” In Speaker Material, this is to be chased endlessly round-and-round by the ducks-and-geese of our lives, yet never quite getting where we really want to go. Until we grasp that we have an inner reality of valid and necessary experiencing going on – until we knowledgeably participate in more than only those outwardly faced expressions that speak the daily mind’s conscious focus most loudly, we’re stuck, coasting in neutral. We can spend our lives loudly revving our motor and trying to go in all directions at once, or go back and complete our driving lessons. To go inward, Self-and-self-ward, forward and power-ward toward our own best fulfillment for the individual person hood that each of us is, is to engage life’s gears knowledgeably.

The choice to actually open our mind and make a conscious effort to not only see, but to participate in what’s going on inside of us, is fueled by our own natural curiosity and propensity for exploration, adventure, and discovery. When coupled with the knowledge that the nature of life-energy is to fulfill or actualize itself to its fullest possible potential, then coasting in neutral is understood as only one of the necessary mechanisms of life’s gearbox.

The principal truth that our power is our choice is both a theoretical and practical/experiential line-of-learning in Speaker Material. To increase our operational choices (through awareness) is to increase our available power naturally, smoothly and automatically. Whether we use that increased power to go forward, backward, sideways, or just remain idling or coasting in neutral, is another choice - and our awareness is what allows us to distinguish our choices as choosing. Life is learning, and to learn about our power is to learn about how we make our choices - whatever they may be.

For all of us who are ready to go, now, with map in hand, driving lessons learned, enjoy the scenery!

And perhaps I’ll see you at the next set of lights?

Ruth Cunningham
Member of Independent Authors & Illustrator of Canada

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